Monday, November 14, 2011

Hed PE - Other Side

Hed P.E. (HPE) is one of my dirty little secrets. Not that i haven't told anybody that i listen to them, i have. But i wouldn't just sit in my room and play it out loud. Mostly because they have really vulgar lyrics. I know that swearing and all that wouldn't bother anyone i know, its the talk about beating and raping women, doing drugs, and things like that that i think would scare them. I can't tell if some of it is satire or not but regardless to anybody else i'm sure it would sound weird.

HPE is a rapcore band. Rapcore (sometimes called G-punk, but i call it rapcore) is heavy metal mixed with rap. I've listened to artists like Bionic Jive and HPE for more than half a decade now and they both are that type of music. (They don't sound anything alike though). Interestingly they both have political themes although Bionic Jive's has to do with corruption in america and racism, while HPE talks all about conspiracy theories and generally sound crazy in the head. I love the idea of this genre. Instead of screamed lyrics like metal, there are actual verses and such and on the other end of the spectrum instead of a play button that an artist is rapping over its an actual band. I don't know why it isn't more popular, HPE has had some small success but there are no other artists really doing it today. One of HPE's band members is a dj even (if i remember correctly).

As much as i listen to them (which is A LOT) the only times i've ever heard anyone enjoy listening to them was when i played this song. I played a few others for people a couple times and i really could tell they were not interested in it at all.

So, after talking about their style all this time, now for this song. This is actually SO uncharacteristic of HPE that every once and a while i go try and look up the song to see if its a cover or not. It seriously even sounds like its a whole other band and singer and someone accidentally put HPE's name on it. It isn't anything they would make and isn't like any other song they have. Its almost as if it were "divine inspiration" and the song HAD to be made and they were guided to write it.

I always feel like i've heard this song from a long time ago, like BEFORE i had ever even heard of HPE at all. Lots of other people say that as well, like they feel like they already know the lyrics even though the band has never existed to them at all. It really baffles me why all of this is true but for the life of me i can't figure out why. Its just a special song they have and i just accept it as that. I really love it, its got hints of a sublime feel. And an acoustic guitar that i don't hear much in their music. Its got a good message as well. Despite HPE's vulgarness, beneath all the filth there really are a lot of good messages to be found. Granted you DO have to look hard for them.

"Not all those who have eyes, will see what i'm saying. Not all those who have ears will hear a note that we're playing." -HPE  "Atlantis A.D."

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