Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Original Studio Version)

The first time i visited my brother in norcal years and years ago, i was pretty young. He's a folk artist, and i love his music, but hadn't seen him in so long that i kind of forgot. At the time he was rooming with other kids going to UC Berkeley. One of them was a pianist, and the other a drummer/guitar player. You could really tell it was a musician's apartment because there were instruments everywhere and while sitting and eating in the living room someone would always end up picking something up and a jam session starts out of the blue. It was so cool to spend a week with college guys, just hanging out with them all the time, that was probably the first time i had done so and had a really chill time.

Me and my brother spent until the wee hours of the night catching up and telling stories after the years. And i fell asleep on the couch. When i woke up, he had left for work and one of his roommates was playing the piano. I just laid there on the couch and slowly woke up to the sun shining in though the window, and he had just started this song. It was played through perfectly and that was probably one of the best times i've ever woken up in the morning. It's not often that you get your own private singer to serenade you awake.

I had liked this song before that, it was on my iPod and all, not that i gave it too much play. I don't know which version this is, but its the one i had. But after that one day, this song had a very different meaning to me. Whenever i listen to it i've got all these emotions tied to it and always end up reminiscing through the whole song about times past. At this point i'm barely listening to the words themselves and just feeling the music while my mind drifts, touching on fond memories i've had over the years.

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