Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vaski- You Wouldn't Understand

So i have to admit back when i was discovering Dnb i grew a deep hatred for dubstep. I don't know what it was, but except for the one chase and status 'saxon' song i refused to listen to dubstep (and even then i only had that song because of my love for chase and status, not because i liked it, though i do now) This was at the same time where on any given day i probably listened to more then 5 hours of dnb. Now my closest friends at the time were right along there with me. Mostly because they would ride with me in my car, and that's what i wanted to hear on my system.

But one day i was over at a friend's house with a whole bunch of people, and i hopped in my car with a few of them to go pick someone up and a guy in the back said "let me handle the music". So i turned it up and paid attention to my driving. Having avoided all dubstep i had no idea what was coming. It built up and it just so happened that everyone was really intently listening to the song, and right at the drop the guy leaned forward and with his head just to the right of mine he said "NAW YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND" and then I learned exactly why i was about to love this genre, the drop.

He had obviously listened to the song hundreds of times (like i have now) because every time the singer went UH! he knew exactly where it was. I swear during that car ride we were all going crazy. Afterwards i told him how much i used to hate dubstep and he handed me his iTouch and said educate yourself. It was like discovering a whole new planet and culture i had never heard before.

Characteristic of vaski's older stuff, like this song, his remix of sandstorm, and my personal favorites murder and bailout- it had deeper bass than anyone else out there at the time. You can tell his newer stuff has more vocals and melodies which is great for being catchy, but i feel like he really shined when he showed what he could do with just a bass line alone.

I have seen him live once. And it was exactly how you would think it would be. It was so heavy that when you walked into the general area of the stage (not even the front or anything) Your breathing became ragged with the air vibrating in your lungs. Your vision blurred. And unlike the other stages where you could feel your clothes vibrating on top of your skin, you could actually feel your skin move. It was like the bass was pressing the air around you so hard it was pressing up against your skin. And that's not even the half of it, the lights, crowd and everything else just completed the experience. Ill never forget what its like to see an artist like that perform.

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