Sunday, September 18, 2011

Klaypex - Lights

Dubstep today! A song by Klaypex called lights. My roommate was blasting this on repeat all weekend and i went over to his computer to ask him what it was called because i loved how it sounded. Now its been the first tab on my browser for a few days now.

I can tell he's still bingeing on it like i am because i hear it coming out of his room over and over. Klaypex has a bunch more awesome songs I'm going to go through and listen to as well and you should do the same.

One of my favorite effects in electronic music is processed vocals. I'm not sure what it is about them but i know a lot of songs that process and chop vocals and i just love how it comes out. The melody is almost completely carried by the singing as well, as well as the bass in the drop of course.

My roommate (one of three) is the only person i know up here in Alaska that listens to the same music as me, and sometimes its nice to trade music with him because you really start to feel culture starved when you haven't been able to talk music with anyone.

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