Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Original Studio Version)

The first time i visited my brother in norcal years and years ago, i was pretty young. He's a folk artist, and i love his music, but hadn't seen him in so long that i kind of forgot. At the time he was rooming with other kids going to UC Berkeley. One of them was a pianist, and the other a drummer/guitar player. You could really tell it was a musician's apartment because there were instruments everywhere and while sitting and eating in the living room someone would always end up picking something up and a jam session starts out of the blue. It was so cool to spend a week with college guys, just hanging out with them all the time, that was probably the first time i had done so and had a really chill time.

Me and my brother spent until the wee hours of the night catching up and telling stories after the years. And i fell asleep on the couch. When i woke up, he had left for work and one of his roommates was playing the piano. I just laid there on the couch and slowly woke up to the sun shining in though the window, and he had just started this song. It was played through perfectly and that was probably one of the best times i've ever woken up in the morning. It's not often that you get your own private singer to serenade you awake.

I had liked this song before that, it was on my iPod and all, not that i gave it too much play. I don't know which version this is, but its the one i had. But after that one day, this song had a very different meaning to me. Whenever i listen to it i've got all these emotions tied to it and always end up reminiscing through the whole song about times past. At this point i'm barely listening to the words themselves and just feeling the music while my mind drifts, touching on fond memories i've had over the years.

Infected Mushroom - Ratio Shmatio

Ah, Psytrance.. This brings me back to those dark times long ago when my taste in music was horridly narrow. Which is all thanks to this band right here. I would go weeks listening solely to them and nothing else. I had every song they've ever made or remixed and was counting the days until they released another. They were even the first electronic music artist i went to go see live. I guess its not all bad, because being so obsessed with them really kind of immersed me in the culture, whereas before i just sort of liked EDM songs here and there. There was a time at my darkest hour where i could name the song from the first ten seconds being played out of any of their 100+..

A few things that set psytrance apart from the rest of the trance-ish genres, are the really complicated melodies, high energy fast beats (which is different from trance for sure), it's got lots and lots of different interesting sounds, constant breaks and morphs in the basic tone of the song and a few other things like sounds bouncing from left to right and such. I really have noticed that i tend to gravitate to music that has a lot of energy and psytrance counts for sure. Practically every song you hear is going to have the SAME kick/drum beat, it almost is required for it to count as psytrance. The thing is, there's so much going on throughout the song that you wouldn't ever think it was repetitive.

Something interesting about them, Its a full band- guitar, bass, drums, singer and dj all together. One of their most famous songs has acoustic guitar throughout it, and others you'd almost think was metal until the beat dropped. I think its a really interesting sound to mix, and they've got backgrounds in both trance and the metal scene. It also makes for a wicked awesome performance live.

A great friend of mine is really into mainstream music, and she does like EDM a bit but she really tends to lean toward popular stuff. One of her favorite songs of all time (which really surprises me) is IM's song "Sa'eed". She got to see them this year and they happened to play it and she was so happy. Sa'eed is a great song also, its got really awesome vocals that you don't get to hear on this one. You should go give it a listen after this one. That, or Muse Breaks, that's another of my favorites.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hed PE - Other Side

Hed P.E. (HPE) is one of my dirty little secrets. Not that i haven't told anybody that i listen to them, i have. But i wouldn't just sit in my room and play it out loud. Mostly because they have really vulgar lyrics. I know that swearing and all that wouldn't bother anyone i know, its the talk about beating and raping women, doing drugs, and things like that that i think would scare them. I can't tell if some of it is satire or not but regardless to anybody else i'm sure it would sound weird.

HPE is a rapcore band. Rapcore (sometimes called G-punk, but i call it rapcore) is heavy metal mixed with rap. I've listened to artists like Bionic Jive and HPE for more than half a decade now and they both are that type of music. (They don't sound anything alike though). Interestingly they both have political themes although Bionic Jive's has to do with corruption in america and racism, while HPE talks all about conspiracy theories and generally sound crazy in the head. I love the idea of this genre. Instead of screamed lyrics like metal, there are actual verses and such and on the other end of the spectrum instead of a play button that an artist is rapping over its an actual band. I don't know why it isn't more popular, HPE has had some small success but there are no other artists really doing it today. One of HPE's band members is a dj even (if i remember correctly).

As much as i listen to them (which is A LOT) the only times i've ever heard anyone enjoy listening to them was when i played this song. I played a few others for people a couple times and i really could tell they were not interested in it at all.

So, after talking about their style all this time, now for this song. This is actually SO uncharacteristic of HPE that every once and a while i go try and look up the song to see if its a cover or not. It seriously even sounds like its a whole other band and singer and someone accidentally put HPE's name on it. It isn't anything they would make and isn't like any other song they have. Its almost as if it were "divine inspiration" and the song HAD to be made and they were guided to write it.

I always feel like i've heard this song from a long time ago, like BEFORE i had ever even heard of HPE at all. Lots of other people say that as well, like they feel like they already know the lyrics even though the band has never existed to them at all. It really baffles me why all of this is true but for the life of me i can't figure out why. Its just a special song they have and i just accept it as that. I really love it, its got hints of a sublime feel. And an acoustic guitar that i don't hear much in their music. Its got a good message as well. Despite HPE's vulgarness, beneath all the filth there really are a lot of good messages to be found. Granted you DO have to look hard for them.

"Not all those who have eyes, will see what i'm saying. Not all those who have ears will hear a note that we're playing." -HPE  "Atlantis A.D."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Noisia - Could This Be

A new song by noisia! This one isn't out yet but it'll be featured on their new album coming out in a few weeks. The single, Tommy's Theme, is pretty good. Its much slower but its quite catchy. Its coming out on the mau5trap label, which.. surprises me. I knew deadmau5 was trancey but inches more and more towards dubstep with every song. But to be the one to release a noisia song is a pretty big step in that direction.

One of my favorite artists of all time, these guys have done SO much work. They produced Hadouken!'s whole recent album. And have done music for movies, DDR and so many other things. They have their own sound which has always been definable as their own style but they've definitely gone darker (which i'm quite a fan of) lately. The beginning is kind of chill but still has a lot of energy. But i really I like this song because of what starts at 1:24, the drop is nice and all. But that crisp rim shot instead of a snare is awesome. You really rarely ever hear that in tracks.

It hadn't really occurred to me that they were making a full length album when i heard the single, but now that i think about it i'm really excited for it to come out. It's going to have some great work on it. I'll have to take another look at that mau5trap label now that i have an idea of what they're releasing. It would be awesome to have that whole collection on my iPod. I'd probably set it as a playlist and come back to it on random all the time.

I started writing this after hearing it only once, so the more i listen to it the more i hear. Im sure by the end of tomorrow ill have listened to it tons because i absolutely love it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fenech-Soler - Lies (Doctor P Remix)

Doctor P and Flux Pavilion are the two artists i want to talk about today. They both got together to start a label called circus records a little bit ago, and i noticed a change in their music since then. They really stepped up to the bar a few years ago and started making music that was really good quality. Flux Pavilion made it to 56 on the UK's top 100 singles with his track 'bass cannon' (there's a pretty cool music video along with that too). I can't wait to see what's to come from both of these guys in the future, because it seems like every other day that i'm on youtube they've released a new hit.

I was dead set on doing a Flux Pavilion song, seeing as they're getting real huge. I just met some people a few weeks ago who were in love with his midnight run song. And that's an excellent song, but this one i didn't notice how much i was listening to until i was trying to make this decision. I haven't ever really skipped over this song every time it comes up in a playlist for basically as long as i've had it. So its gotten quite a few plays.

This is pretty far from hits Doctor P was making several years ago. Yes, sweet shop is a classic, and i will always like that song, but i have to admit it sounds really generic. This song is different, I love the lyrics, and the melody. I really, really like the singing Fenech Soler does on the original, but the plain drumming in the background leaves me wanting more. That could be because i heard this version first and this one has so much more going on. But i just find it more interesting than the original, its as if he re-added parts that were missing in the first place. Of course i know that his type of music would be more about him and his voice, and Doctor P's remix has a lot to do with the beat and other elements in the music, so inherently fenech's is going to have less to it. But its so goddamn PLAIN. Differences here and there are one thing, but this just sounds so extreme to me.

Sometimes i wonder if there's any jealousy involved between artists. I think there has got to be someone out there who had their song remixed only to realize the other person's version is far, far better (i can think of quite a few examples). Do they get angry that someone else messed with their hard work? Do they go around saying things like ''oh those techno freaks ruined another one of my songs again'' to each other? I have no idea. I'm sure that there are tons of people who LOVE when a song of theirs is remixed perfectly. But what about those people inevitably on the other end of the spectrum. What if people prefer to listen to Doctor P's version of the song, but fenech is the one who's talent is in the singing. Is that something he would care about? I don't know, these are things i wonder.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tritonal Feat Soto - Piercing Quiet (Air Up There Remix) (HD)

I apologize for the week or so i took off. I have a final tomorrow and haven't had any time at all to devote to this. I have been choosing songs i want up here though so there's a list that should make it onto here in the near future.

This is a kind of recent favorite of mine, i haven't listened to it too much lately, but i heard it first just a few months ago. One thing I've learned about trance is that if i'm going to really get an idea of what the song really is like I'm going to need to devote the 7-10 minutes to how long it inevitably is, to listen to the whole thing. If you just skip to the middle, or listen to the beginning and stop there so much build up and other parts that you've missed along the way that you can't possibly have an opinion on the song.

Its just due to the nature of the music and this song is a great example of that. The first thirty seconds basically NOTHING is going on, its about as simple of a beat as you could possibly have. It reminds me of that beat everyone makes with their mouth when they're imitating techno. It gets slightly more interesting after that, still very simple though. And melodies and vocalizations are introduced very slowly. I like that when the verse comes in, the beat draws back to emphasize her voice, which is quite nice. (Christina Soto is famous for featuring on some great trance tracks). And i think the melody in the middle perfectly compliments her, credit for this is due to Air Up There, the guys doing the remix. I think the tweaks done by them really fits her singing style more. I like their version tons, but i do have the original as well because i can't decide which one is better. The original is definitely more upbeat, and more danceable. But this one has a heavier beat and is smoother sounding.

You have to refrain from "getting bored" or something like that in the beginning and concentrate on what the artist is painting with his music. It's all necessary to invoke the emotion he intends. I think its something you have to get used to, because some types of music just get to the point. Where commonly with trance it's the opposite. Its definitely where the songs in this genre get their length.

I've found this song and others are really great for background music. Ill play it while studying or doing other things where my mind is elsewhere, because its not too distracting. But at the same time it has enough to kind of half-listen to. It really lets you read (for example) and pay attention to the material, and there isn't an uncomfortable silence or anything. Late night driving is another favorite time to listen to trance for these reasons as well.

If you're interested the song i very nearly did in place of this one is Robert Babicz - Dark flower (Joris Voorn Remix). Another really great track i actually heard about the same time as piercing quiet.

Friday, October 28, 2011

TC - Get That Girl

This is a hate it or love it type of genre. Jump-up. A lot of the guys i know in the electronic scene who know anything about dnb and stuff shun it like none other. They think it sounds too childish and takes no skill to make. I disagree of course, although i see where they're coming from. Because yes, the majority of songs like this i don't like either (which i hate to say but its kind of true). But i don't write off the whole genre like some people i know. TC is like a half and half between jump up and just plain ol dnb.

This whole album, which i have its pretty good, is kind of a project between him and jakes. Jakes is an MC from the UK i believe. Most of what he does on this album is actual singing and rapping though, which is definitely not the same at all as MCing. So i commend him on his efforts.

You can really tell it flows well between the slow and fast parts. They wouldn't sound like the same song if heard separately, but the build up is awesome. Its kind of interesting how quick you can go from chill to hyped up. I would imagine that's hard to pull off correctly because the faster tempo portion could seem jarring, but i don't really get that feeling from this song.

I only really was heavily into TC for a few weeks but i really binged during that time. Everyone else i knew was listening to hardcore techno along the lines of hardstyle and electro and stuff, and i was too but TC was like my own dose of dnb that i got in between rocking out with my friends. I moved on quick, like i do. But i haven't forgotten about him because there are some dope tracks in my library by him.

There are some classic jump up songs everyone knows, but other than that i hear very little about this music. I don't want to say its 'dead' but more like it was an experiment in sound in the first place, and it'll keep it's die hard fans but people will move on to newer things or try other sounds and see what comes of them. Isn't that how we got to this point in music anyways?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daft Punk - Digital Love

I've always loved this song, its my favorite from daft punk by far. Its also one of those i come back to every once and a while and forget how much i love it.

I first heard it when watching Interstellar 5555. That's an animated movie with hardly any sounds other than daft punk's discovery album. It plays all the way though and tells a story, I've really enjoyed it every time i watched it. It was done by a group of Japanese people i believe. The first time i watched the movie i wasnt' completely familiar with daft punk except for their biggest hits, so i was in for a nice surprise. This music video happens to be the part in the movie with this song. Most of (if not all, im not sure) of the songs on discovery are just clipped from the movie and used as the music video.

I watched the movie maybe two days before i left for a two week camp many summers ago. But when i got there i found out they weren't going to allow any electronics at all. My phone and iPod remained off the whole time. Luckily i had been listening to digital love the entire car ride up and it stayed in my head the whole time.

Needless to say, being addicted to listening to music every waking moment meant i was dying to listen to SOMETHING. I met a kid named JD and we became really good friends. He introduced me to Dj Sharpnel and i introduced him to pendulum, among others. We both chatted about music and stuff all the time and we're still great buds. Talking about it probably held us over until we could go listen to music ourselves i think.

When i finally got home i didn't pack or eat or anything. All i did was go look up music JD had told me to get, and every other song i was listening to was digital love. It was like getting a drink of water after going thirsty for so long. I know i would have liked the song just as much if i hadn't had to go without music for so long, but because i did, im so glad i heard it. Because it gave me something to hum and sing along to in my head during the trip.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

DC Breaks - Horror

I've heard a lot of sweet clips thrown in jungle tracks like pendulum's masochist. But this one is currently my favorite. I don't know where its from, a quick search comes up with nothing. So its possible its an original for the song, which if so, its brilliant. I know a jungle track when i hear one, they're just so definable. And jungle's been around a long long time. Longer than jump up, dubstep and drumstep and all those other sub-genres.

If i try and think back to the days where i first was listening to dnb, jungle was in its dying throes. Its basically what gave birth to today's dnb. I was big into Andy C, the god of dnb. He got into the game early where he was using all the sounds characteristic of jungle and making new songs that didn't conform to the standard. They were more electronic and a lot like what you'd hear today. He went on to make one of the biggest record labels for the genre i believe, and totally had a hand in the entire movement of the scene.

But you still see people mixing jungle live, its great for dancing and i'm sure its awesome fun to spin. Another thing that carried over from jungle was vocals. Jungle is quite similar to reggae, and they used to have something called ragga vocals on top of the tracks. At any show you'd go to today you will hear an MC singing exactly like that, with the exception of live bands like pendulum, but i know dj sets of pendulum are definitely going to have it. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unknown Error - The Yearning

This screen has been sitting on my laptop in the background for more than a week now. I don't know why i haven't, or didn't want to get around to it. But here it is, the yearning.

This is a song by Unknown Error, I've talked about him before when i did a song by apex. They're actually the same guy, somewhere along the line he decided on a name change and has been going by apex ever since. I kind of think there's a change in style when you listen to songs where he goes by one or the other. I don't know if that's because the unknown error stuff is older, or if that's intentional.

He's on the lifted music label, started by Chris renegade and Spor. I used to listen to all of their podcasts. They're a small group of artists who release just the greatest music. Evol intent and ewun are two more artists off that label. If you've heard of those guys you'd know that they're all usually producers of some quite hard tracks. This guy not so much, i guess he's their token liquid guy.

Back when i hung out with everyone into this scene i had one friend who was absolutely obsessed with it. We had a running joke with each other that we all had theme songs. And this was undoubtedly his. So it definitely got played tons when we hung out. Now its been a long time since I've seen them, but randomly i got linked to this song a week or two ago. When i listened to it i had a huge dose of nostalgia, it must have been two or more years since i last heard it played even once. I had totally forgotten it existed. I'm so glad i got to listen to it again, even though there are some good and bad feelings that come along with this song.

Now, it may have been HIS theme song, but i really love this track. The warm steady bass, and the melody that sounds oriental. Its just a really relaxing song. I could sit in a dark room with a bunch of people. No words, just enjoying the music. A lot of electronic music is over the top or loud sounding, or at least that what i would imagine someone who doesn't like it would say. (i just say it has energy) But i think most people would even like this one, its just simple beats and awesome melody, if you open your mind to it, its the perfect song to seed your imagination. I find myself daydreaming while listening to it all the time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Camo & Krooked - The Lesson (ft. Skittles) (Original Version)

I oughta teach you a lesson.

So Camo and Krooked have an album out called "cross the line". It came out last week and the tracks on it are excellent. They have a few singles from it that have been out for a while, which, to be honest i haven't listened to. But i know i will get around to it eventually, because I'm really pleased with their more recent stuff. I wrote down a little reminder to myself to get the whole album and I'm pretty good about going through my lists so maybe you'll see another from the album in the future.

If you've read some of the other posts I've written you probably know why i like this song. I'm pretty sure i have a sweet spot for vocals along this line. I'm just a sucker for em. And aside from a few exceptions such as the Foreign Beggars, TC and Jake, and some randomly featured MC's (I'm probably forgetting some but that's to the point) You don't really see much of that and i really hope it becomes a theme because its just great. When you see anyone like this live there's an MC singing over the track WITHOUT FAIL, but they're scatting and doing freestyle and just hyping the crowd up. I want to see more of real full songs and performances from those guys. I really feel that's a great direction for this music.

I also like how well the lines tie into the drops. Like when he says "I told you i'd teach you a lesson" the drop right after just works. And the bridge with that great chorus ties into the harder part just as well. Its definitely a really well done track. It keeps rolling throughout, there's never a moment where it loses energy or your interest. I heard it just a few days ago and I'm already forcing myself not to listen to it too much  so i don't make myself sick of it too quickly.

So hello... fellow.... welcome to the gallows... I'm here to teach you a lesson.

SubVibe - DarkHearted (HD)


This song just struck me as something quite true to the genre. Its just no frills DnB. They hail from (surprise surprise) the UK, where the scene is huge, and they're not horribly popular or anything. They just make stuff that really hits home as stuff that i think i would hear years ago before dubstep and drumstep and jump up and ALLL these other genres popping up. Don't get me wrong i'm fully into all that stuff, but its nice to have a throwback like this to kind of remind you where it all started.

Its real common to have clips from movies or things like that edited in instead of vocals to kind of set the tone of the song. You don't want to have singing, or vocals on top of the music but you still need something to add to it. Its real common with things like hardstyle and classic Dnb. Though you will see it with lots of other genres too. This particular one I've seen in another hardsyle song by headbanger and omar that uses this and other clips. That's another good one by the way, albeit really on the hardcore side, its called "Are U Afraid Of The Dark?"

Its the basic drum beat, the electronic melody you hear all over the place, and structure and builds that are nice.  Although this isn't to say all this makes the song boring, because far from it, there's definitely enough in this song to make it a hit. And there are parts throughout that peak your interest. They're a great team, i would definitely go see a show of theirs if given the chance. I was impressed with it, especially nowadays where you don't see a lot of medium to small time artists making songs that aren't what they think is "innovative" or something like that. They get some decent exposure too, which is awesome because i think everyone should hear songs like this so they understand where other artists are coming from when they start branching out.

Of course jungle is the other half of the oldies I'm referring to, but jungle has more reggae roots where this has electronic roots. They're both two halves of the same spectrum though.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vaski- You Wouldn't Understand

So i have to admit back when i was discovering Dnb i grew a deep hatred for dubstep. I don't know what it was, but except for the one chase and status 'saxon' song i refused to listen to dubstep (and even then i only had that song because of my love for chase and status, not because i liked it, though i do now) This was at the same time where on any given day i probably listened to more then 5 hours of dnb. Now my closest friends at the time were right along there with me. Mostly because they would ride with me in my car, and that's what i wanted to hear on my system.

But one day i was over at a friend's house with a whole bunch of people, and i hopped in my car with a few of them to go pick someone up and a guy in the back said "let me handle the music". So i turned it up and paid attention to my driving. Having avoided all dubstep i had no idea what was coming. It built up and it just so happened that everyone was really intently listening to the song, and right at the drop the guy leaned forward and with his head just to the right of mine he said "NAW YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND" and then I learned exactly why i was about to love this genre, the drop.

He had obviously listened to the song hundreds of times (like i have now) because every time the singer went UH! he knew exactly where it was. I swear during that car ride we were all going crazy. Afterwards i told him how much i used to hate dubstep and he handed me his iTouch and said educate yourself. It was like discovering a whole new planet and culture i had never heard before.

Characteristic of vaski's older stuff, like this song, his remix of sandstorm, and my personal favorites murder and bailout- it had deeper bass than anyone else out there at the time. You can tell his newer stuff has more vocals and melodies which is great for being catchy, but i feel like he really shined when he showed what he could do with just a bass line alone.

I have seen him live once. And it was exactly how you would think it would be. It was so heavy that when you walked into the general area of the stage (not even the front or anything) Your breathing became ragged with the air vibrating in your lungs. Your vision blurred. And unlike the other stages where you could feel your clothes vibrating on top of your skin, you could actually feel your skin move. It was like the bass was pressing the air around you so hard it was pressing up against your skin. And that's not even the half of it, the lights, crowd and everything else just completed the experience. Ill never forget what its like to see an artist like that perform.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Need a Dollar (Remix)

I've been in a rap mood lately, and i don't normally listen to rap such as lil wayne or anything like that. But i absolutely love artists like wax. He's sort of a youtube artist, he makes videos and songs and posts them on youtube. As of lately he's signed to a record deal and touring the country doing shows which is great for him. He also makes comedy shorts that he posts, and you should go through his channel and see some of them, i find them hilarious.

This is a cover of the i need a dollar song, and it really plays into the theme of most of his music, about money and struggling. I think i like this version better, though I'm probably biased because i love wax himself so much. Dumbfounded is featured on this track, i did his up in the air song a while back. Whenever the two of them collaborate they call themselves "clockwise". And they've done quite a few together.

I love the lines in this song if you give it a close listen. They're very clever. I've listened to tons of both of their music and have really appreciated all of their musical talents pertaining to the music and the lyrics.

The Procussions-Simple song

I first heard the procussions through my brother, he's probably heard and listened to every song a thousand times from this genre. I guess its the era he came from, when he was growing up was when all of this music was big. Its still around and artists come out in this genre all the time, but they get no exposure because the general public doesn't listen to this type of stuff anymore. Its a shame too because that's one of the reasons this group is no longer around. Money reasons, illegal downloading, and lack of exposure forced them to disband about three years ago. Some of them went on to write music alone (one of them gets critic ratings of 4.5/5 stars on his work even today, which says something about his talents) and another is pursuing his artwork and focusing more on that.

The music is less beats and has more jazz influences, and the words have a lot more meaning behind them than something that's just catchy. I miss music like this sometimes. I never really listened to it when i was younger and now that its not popular i wish it were. Guys like atmosphere have kind of broken through that and made it, but people who like atmosphere don't go out and find all these other artists like the people under the stairs and the procussions, and they should.

On the audio canvas stands this man with his hands like a mantis
submerged in the word like Atlantis to plant this seed, 
we feeding of the roots of David
and finally freed from enslavement 

see this is where the pavement meets the path
the power principles of purity are unmasked
at last our direction is that of the outcast
outlasting temptation like the thirty day fast

redeemed from the past renamed in the present
i sing to the king who came as a peasant 
he's offering that pleasant state of humility
the light of the world with the strength and the ability

 to transform norm to extraordinary
making prophets out of prosecutors, if necessary
and rags to revolution, poetry from pollution
felon to family man, problem to solution

and the solution is clear the revolution is near
no more confusing people with fear
the constitution appears to make freedom a right
but you know its only found in the sunlight

i say you know its only found in the son right?
i got one love, one aim, and one fight

at a loss for words i heard something in my mind sing (la la la la la)
without a care in the world i stand firm on a cloud singing (la la la la la)
waking up at the dawn, i had a song in my heart it goes (la la la la la)
i found peace in a vision of love and yo it sounds like (la la la la la)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kyza - Go (Bar 9 Remix)

Long time favorite of mine, a remix of Kyza- go by Bar 9.

This one reminds me a lot of a song i talked about a few weeks ago, 'warning'. Its got a really hard dub vibe and fast rapping lyrics. I wish i knew more songs along this type of genre because i thoroughly enjoy it. This is a song where im always playing it one or two volume levels too high, and it was always a favorite in my car when i had a sound system in it.

I don't have much to say about this one, but enjoy!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Netsky - Tomorrow's Another Day VIP

Finally i'm back. Had a long week with homework, classes and social life catching up to me. Well i'm at work now and i don't need to be doing anything really, so lets talk about some music!

This is netsky, he does some of my favorite liquid dnb songs. All of the ones I've heard are always a perfect mix of relaxing and smooth. He really doesn't vary from that as far as I've seen. But he does this so well that i would hope he continues in his style.

Netsky is one of those artists where its hard to dislike any of his songs in particular but really easy to love certain ones. I could be in any type of music mood, and if netsky comes on through shuffle or i see it in a play list, ill listen through it because i love it. I picked this particular song only because it was the last one i listened to from him. A quick YouTube search comes up with tons of great music by him, its all worth a listen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mewithoutyou - Messes of men

I do not exist, we faithfully insist...
Hi, little life update this week. I've got a lot on my plate with school and stuff, but i'll try and make up for it this weekend with a bunch of songs.

Until then--

Monday, September 26, 2011

Arion - Pokémon (Dubstep Remix) HD

What a throwback. This is a perfect remix of the pokemon theme. I hear a lot of half assed remixes of theme songs and old tunes, but done well its just the shit. I especially love the idea of pikachu screaming his name at the drop. Just brilliant.

I've noticed this artist does a lot of remixes and only a few original songs. In my opinion, that doesn't mean he isn't creative enough to write his own, because he obviously can. And the song he re does is far different than it used to be. I think its just another creative outlet for a mind, a way to hear a song you like in the way you want.

I could see this being a huge hit if it were put in a dub set by any dj. Just the nostalgia mixed with the appropriateness of the song make it really a potential favorite of any lineup of songs.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Noisia - Shellshock (feat. Foreign Beggars) (Official Video)

I was going do Noisia's newest song up here, but when i was doing a little searching around i found out that they came out with a ridiculously amazing music video just a few months ago for one of my favorite songs of his and i had no idea. I was going to do the Noisia's remix of Labrinth's Earthquake. Which made me realize every song he does he goes heavier and harder. But i couldn't pass up the chance to talk about this video.

Noisia is made up of three dutch guys, and they've been making music for a decade almost. I went to go see them back when their song sigma was all the rage and its in my top three shows i ever went to. They played on the same lineup as Pendulum, Caspa, 12th planet, and Subfocus. And i was there with N-thiogen, needless to say i had an amazing night.

I really enjoy GOOD MC's over tracks like this, I've heard a lot of shit MC's ruin tracks too though. But the Foreign Beggars have done a bunch of tracks with Noisia, and this is one of their best. They're two guys from the UK that rap with artists like him. I hate that they can be famous with music like that over there but over here they're near unknown.

This isn't the complete song, i really encourage you to go give that one a listen because its great. But in this video, the way they're interrogating the little boy/minotaur, and the timing with the swat team, guns and the drops. Its brilliant! The first time i watched it i was screaming and laughing in my dorm and my roommates came over to find out what the fuck i was freaking out about.

Just this past week I've been realizing that electronic artists are giving more attention to the quality of their music videos, because i've seen at least five this week that i enjoyed so much. I'm glad too, i think its really good for the community that people really start paying that some attention, because its an art form in and of itself. Its also great for their image, and for the song's exposure.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Naden - Plucked [Free]

A very very unknown artist at the moment, Naden. I always jump at the chance to watch one of his newest videos. One of my favorite movies i watched because of him too. (which was castaway on the moon)

I have a crazy amount of his songs on my ipod, and i listen to most of them regularly. I love his melodies (im a sucker for a good melody) and builds and everything. He uses Fruity Loops studio to make his music, which i'm familiar with. I remember back in sixth and seventh grade i had that program and i used to make small beats and such but i didn't know how to use it right. Its interesting to see how far someone can really take that program. Its also a little humbling for me and really shows how much work he puts into it and how much i really don't know.

The photo in this song is a panoramic of outside his window at sunrise. Its absolutely fucking beautiful and the pan really fits with the song. Normally he makes a picture for each song on photoshop and posts it with the song, but sometimes its a photograph, such as in sentio and the sunlight (fucking awesome track) and a few others.

He did get signed to a label earlier this year, which i think is awesome. He's finally got a contract to make a living off of his amazing music. Although as per their rules; any song he posts to the public on youtube he can't use on the label. So he really only posts music to his youtube channel as a present to his subscribers. I do wish more of his music was on the channel, but i don't blame him. Maybe one day ill be able to buy his cd on itunes or in a store.

Evol Intent - Street Knowledge

Evol evol evol. This song is interesting because it starts off just remixed old school hip hop with a fat beat and stuff. And then the awesomest movie clip and gun cock right before the drop into heavy darkstep.

Darkstep is a style of dnb mostly pioneered by guys like Spor and Evol and Ewun. It blows all other branches of dnb out of the water with how much energy it has. You can totally head bang to some of these songs. Evol intent's style sets him apart a little because you really notice that he likes to put rap/gangster themes to his music. With songs like Glock Party and this one standing out particularly. I think its an excellent touch and fits perfect.

A little story i have with this song. I was blasting it and sitting at a red light and a whole car full of black guys pulled up and started head nodding to it and they were like "yeahhh" and when it dropped their faces turned to horror, while a twisted smile grew on mine. Whenever i hear this song i think of that time, it was priceless.

Not to say he can't do calmer songs with great melodies and such, flipside and middle of the night are two of my favorites of his. But i do have a long history of an unhealthy obsession with Spor and this guy so darkstep really was all i listened to for more than a year.

I missed out on a lot of chances to see these guys because they only really play in the UK and if they come here they do 21+ shows solely. I have been lucky enough to go to tons and tons of other shows in all types of situations though and next year ill be 21 so hopefully ill get to see them play in the next few years or so.

I had a hard time choosing which song of his to post here, i chose this one because of the theme it has and how it shows his style a little. But i really recommend you go listen to all his hits and his newest cd 'era of diversion' it's excellent.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Da Tweekaz - Ducktool

How's this for a change- hardstyle! I have no idea how i started listening to this genre this afternoon, i was just going from song to song on the recommended list on the right and somehow got to this. Da Tweekaz are some of my favorite hardstyle DJ's though, but this is the first time i have heard this song by them.

Years and years ago back when i was into hard electro and such, i was VERY into hardstyle. The energy of the beat, and the melodies were something i hadn't heard anywhere else. That's when i learned how to shuffle and give light shows and all that. As i said, Da Tweekaz were one of my favorite artists. This is because they always use odd samples for their songs, I've heard video game noises, chainsaws (no kidding), and now a rubber ducky. Their melodies are also just so catchy, i would find myself whistling or humming along.

Hardstyle is where shuffling really grew out of. I know that LMFAO make that party rock song and 'everyday they're shufflin' but back when hardstyle was invented- it got huge in melbourne and people were dancing the melbourne shuffle to it. The artists started making music to shuffle to and it just progressed like that. The dance affected the music and vice versa. It was really interesting to watch. Nowadays though shuffling is done with most types of electronic music (except dub and dnb).

Something to consider with hardstyle though, the first half of the songs are commonly the beat only. It stays like that, just a hard beat and such, and then the break will introduce the melody in a really epic way and then the rest of the song will normally have it. I can't tell you why this is, but try to listen though (or skip through) a song if you know its hardstyle. Because the beginning may be boring or something, but you haven't really heard what its all about till you've heard it through.

Also sidenote: i laughed at the comment below on the youtube page. "Da Squeekaz" hahahahaha

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ShockOne - Crucify Me ft. Phetsta (Part 1,2 Mix Full)

I said i would do another shock one and here it is. Crucify me is an original track by them, featuring Phetsta.

I'm not 100% on their relation to each other but i know that they're both from the DnB scene in Australia (which if you remember is where pendulum came out of). From doing a little research i found out the guys in shock one were in pendulum's band before, and they split and became separate electronic artists. Phetsta on the other hand also is an aussie but is just collabing with shock one for the track. I could be wrong.

The song could fool me as a pendulum track with no problem. Definitely sounds like their singer and the vocal effects they usually use. The part I and II are definitely like "The Island" By Pendulum they do a dawn and dusk version where one is DnB and the other is dub just like this track. I'm not bringing up the pendulum thing as a bad thing, i love more tracks in this style no matter who's doing them, and its understandable that former band mates and probably great friends bounce ideas off of each other etc.

To be honest i have almost every pendulum song on my iPod and i can tell ill probably listen to these tracks more than the ones it reminds me of.

I have found hundreds of songs with maybe a thousand views, sometimes ten thousand, and they were masterpieces. I don't understand how they can be so unknown. Maybe they would be huge tracks if people had listened to it just once but they were never given the chance, or what.. but its a shame, i wish they had more exposure- they deserve it and there would be more variety and talent in the music industry. Which is better for everyone.

Side note: Part two kicks in at 4:26.

Russo - Bad Tonight (Shock One Remix)

Finally the full version is up on youtube! I can't believe it barely has 2000 views, that's just not right. I actually haven't heard the original version by rusko, which i will probably have to listen to before i finish this post.

(just listened to it, its amazing and much better than rusko's fist stuff he came out with when he was new to the scene)

Shock one is still the song I'm going to do though. They do a fucking awesome job with their remixes. The beginning with the string instrument and melody is all their own, and it just morphs it into a real shock one track. They have a specific style that is really true to DnB. A lot of people do drumstep or dub or play with the styles but they're really true to the genre which is nice sometimes.

I would love to see this track live, its very easy to dance along to and sing along to. I haven't heard everything they've done but I've never disliked a song of theirs so i think i could probably look up every single one of their songs and like it as well. Which kind of makes them a favorite artist of mine, but i don't listen to them enough for that. I can't tell you why.

Ill try and do that this week and maybe post some here. Below some of the other day's vids, we'll see..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dumbfoundead - 'Up In The Air' Official Video

Dumbfoundead is the shit. One of my favorite rappers of this genre and best friends with another of my favorites- wax. I think this song has been around for a while, because I've known about him for a bit, and this was one of the first songs i heard by him.

Whatever that little keyboard melody is in the background is really cute and actually kind of makes the song (at least for me). It also kind of talks about how he feels about making it in his career, which touches on what a lot of us feel too. He's one of those artists that everyone should recognize and he should be a super star, and for no reason at all he isn't. Although i think he's going to get big in the next few years. I'm hoping -widely known-radio playing-status, but we'll see.

Also, this is a fan made video that they did an excellent job with. I love that panda hoodie, if it weren't $70 dollars i would own one for sure. Its also filmed in the valley in southern California where i'm from. And it slightly makes me homesick too, because its spot on with how things are there. If you've ever been there you know it looks exactly like the video.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nujabes - Feather

I love this song. Its by a Japanese artist named Nujabes. I've known about him for forever, and this is by far my favorite song by him. Although luv (sic) and a few others are awesome too. He normally does beats and various people rap over them. Its so calming and pretty sounding, it brings back good memories from the past few years.

Unfortunately he died in a car accident last year. It really sucks to think about because all this great music he could have made will never be. A few of my other favorite artists have passed away too, some of which i hope i feature here. But it just makes me wish i had gotten that chance to see them perform before their time was up.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Klaypex - Lights

Dubstep today! A song by Klaypex called lights. My roommate was blasting this on repeat all weekend and i went over to his computer to ask him what it was called because i loved how it sounded. Now its been the first tab on my browser for a few days now.

I can tell he's still bingeing on it like i am because i hear it coming out of his room over and over. Klaypex has a bunch more awesome songs I'm going to go through and listen to as well and you should do the same.

One of my favorite effects in electronic music is processed vocals. I'm not sure what it is about them but i know a lot of songs that process and chop vocals and i just love how it comes out. The melody is almost completely carried by the singing as well, as well as the bass in the drop of course.

My roommate (one of three) is the only person i know up here in Alaska that listens to the same music as me, and sometimes its nice to trade music with him because you really start to feel culture starved when you haven't been able to talk music with anyone.

Larry Tee - Let's Make Nasty (Afrojack Remix)

I'm mixed on afrojack, i really like his music. Its catchy and danceable, but its also about as repetitive as music could possibly get. I used to say deadmau5 songs all sound the same but i was just hating. Afrojack is a different story, they really all do sound the same. But i like it anyways so fuck you.

I've been listening to afrojack since he got onto the scene. This song i first heard on a set of a friend of mine's who's stage name is DJ Eterna though. Her soundcloud page is below, i suggest you check it out, she's got a lot of really cool stuff on there. A mix of which i just finished listening to.

The verse on this is really catchy and though it is a girl i do find myself singing along. There are several remixes of this song, but none that i really like as much as this one.

( http://soundcloud.com/dj_eterna )

Friday, September 16, 2011

California Swag District - Teach Me (Terravita Remix)

So today's song is sort of a jerking song, as well as dubstep. Why i say that instead of just remix, is because it actually is the normal song up until maybe a minute in when it drops. It totally takes you by surprise because you think "oh i know this song" and then it totally changes on you.

I'm a big fan of turning rap songs and etc, into dnb and dubstep because they just fit together really well. I've heard lots and lots of songs that get remixed, and songs that feature a rapper over that track. And most of them make me smile..

Thursday, September 15, 2011

16 Bit - Skullcrack

SKULLCRACK MOTHERFUCKER. This song is so violent and badass. What i would give to hear this get dropped in a rave, the crowd would turn straight into a mosh pit. 16bit has been around for while and i had some other songs by them that i (to be honest) never listened to, though they are pretty good. But this one is fucking awesome, its got so much energy!

It seems like its got better sound quality than some of his older stuff. So it makes me think that he's changed the program he uses to write his music. Whatever changed it was a change for the better for sure. I m looking forward to any of his newer music to come.

So blast it and beat up some fucking droopy eyed armless children!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Benny Benassi ft. Gary Go - Cinema

I have to admit i was a little late onto the bandwagon for this song. It came out a while ago and everybody, including my friends, was raving about it. I had never given it a good listen though. Which is weird because i actually really like Benny Benassi. But i heard a clip of it somewhere or something a week or two ago and went to go listen to it and its just sick.

The Skrillex remix is just as good too. But i listen to the original more, probably because I've heard a lot of Skirllex lately and nothing from Benny.

My roommates walked in on me mouthing the words with a soda can as a microphone, which should have been embarrassing, but i didn't stop singing i just kept blasting it. This is definitely one of those songs made for singing along to.

The video is excellent. It perfectly portrays the feelings of being love sick and what everyone feels when they think of their special someone. I love how it jumps from the cold and dark room of the scientists to the warm glow of their favorite memories of their loved ones. And the smiles on their faces is so telling about how they feel about them too. Its touching and sad at the same time and it makes you wonder why they're in that place chasing the dream of that girl.

The vocals are by Gary Go, and i could have sworn he was the same guy who was in ghosts and stuff by Deadmau5, but after googling it i realize its Rob Swire in that. Not sure why i got confused between the two. Another classic by the way, and another i took longer to come around to than everyone else in the world. It's funny, the more popular the song the longer i take to get into it. Even though i probably would have liked it back then just as much. No reason, things just seem to work out in a certain way sometimes eh?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Little Change

After my first few posts i don't really like how the song reviews are going, so as opposed to talking about what the song sounds like (and seeing as i post the song directly next to it that it seems pointless). I'm going to instead talk about my favorite parts of the song itself, and why i like it. That seems like it'll be more interesting to read, and write.

Also, I'm not going to limit the songs to one per day, though ill try and always post at least one, i tend to get bored and get around to a few more.

So I'm hoping those posts work out a little better. Until next time-

Syncopix - Rising

So i'm up late doing homework and its almost Tuesday so i'm going to do the song of the day now. Yay for breaks!

I was thinking about which song to do, and i really was torn between doing a Sub Focus song, and "Rising" by Syncopix. Seeing as i can't really choose between Sub Focus' songs at the moment it's going to be "Rising".

The man who introduced me to this song is a great friend of mine who's DJ name is N-thiogen. He did an amazing set some years ago and this was the first song on it. He knows more about music than i ever hope to, and has come out with some really brilliant stuff. He's definitely the person who influenced my shift from psy-trance and whatever else i was into (when i was much younger), by exposing me to some amazing tracks of DnB.

Its crisp and chill at the beginning,setting up a great flowy and relaxing beat. The melody comes in with a light piano type feel. Classic liquid dnb and just an awesome song. I have come back to listen to it time and again. (and probably will for ages).

( http://soundcloud.com/n-thiogen)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Chase and Status- No Problem

September 12th, 2011.
This is a big one by Chase and Status. Heard it just one week ago, and i'm not tired of it yet! I love the slight throw back to the jungle days of early DnB with the MC. But the style definitely stays fresh. Chase and Status have been a favorite artist of mine for years now and they're business as usual with this one. The verse, build up, drop and beat all flow effortlessly. Its a hell of a track, give it a listen. (or five).

The first post!

This is the first of hopefully many posts here. I've wanted to start a blog for a while now, but to be honest have never done anything like this before so we'll see how this goes.

As for a little background- I'm from the Los Angeles area of California. I moved there in the seventh grade and lived there up until the year after i graduated high school. About three weeks ago i moved to Anchorage, Alaska to go to college. I study aviation at UAA, and i love it here.

 I am definitely an audiophile, I have a huge organized music collection and listen to music for hours a day. I'm going to try and post one song per day here and have a small review of why its the song of the day. I'm primarily into electronic music such as drum and bass or dubstep, but you'll see i also love everything from country, classical, death metal, pop, rap, all of it. So expect to see some variety unless i'm binge-ing on a certain genre.

I have a ton of friends who dabble as dj's and the like, so occasionally i will mention that i heard a song first through them. Also i will post links to their music here and there which you should definitely check out. I wish i could do what they do, I have ideas floating around in my head about remixes and songs but i just don't have that musical ability to turn it into anything and when i know someone who can i really respect that. Is that jealousy? I don't know... maybe.